Our Factory Store

All of our beautiful products can be ordered online using THIS LINK. However, if you would like to experience the product before desciding, we have stock available for sale at our factory shop.

Our shop was launched in 1996, and since the beginning we have always been upgrading and increasing the range of products available, to give you, our valued customer, the best shopping experience around. We have incorported a CUSTOMER FRIENDLY TRAINING PROGRAM to ensure that you receive the best possible service we can offer, a SUPERIOR STOCK ROTATION system to make sure that the product you purchase is always fresh and delightful, and EASE OF PAYMENT systems to make your purchase pleasurable.

Our store is open 6 days a week:

Monday to Friday : 8:30 – 16:30
Saturday : 8:30 – 12:30

The physical address is:

426 Skilder Straat

For any enquiries, you can call B’S BOUTIQUE on
Or 012 804 7545

WeCreativez WhatsApp Support
Our customer support team is here to answer your questions. Ask us anything!